Next up! This feature of Green Tea as a fat burner came as a surprise to me when I first learned about it. And this is one feature which makes green tea and green tea extract hot commodities these days! No wonder there are thousands of slimming products in the market that has Green Tea as one of their premium ingredients.
So how does Green Tea do the fat burning?

The fat burning (also gruesomely known as its Thermogenic Effect) effect of Green Tea is believed to be caused by the compound EGCG or Epigallocathechin Gallate. This is the primary anti-oxidant found in Green Tea. It enhances the metabolism.
When we consume Green Tea; these anti-oxidants are released into the blood stream which helps the body absorb calories and convert them directly into muscle or energy.
It also prevents and/or slows down fats from being stored in our body. This is possible because Green Tea delays the action of certain enzymes (chemicals in the body) that cause fat storage.
For some people, the tea causes appetite suppression which controls their overall food intake and aid weight loss.
Comments: The thing I find very attractive for people with regards to a green tea diet is that it gives you the luxury of burning those fats while doing almost nothing! The green tea does its work internally! But sometimes people give this fact as an excuse. Because they know that they have a green tea product that acts as a fat burner; they tend to eat more! I am guilty of that also haha but I'm slowly changing my habits. I also happen to know the best green tea in the market today. (please leave a comment if you want details).
For more sumptuous info, you may check out these sites:
2. Green Tea Fat Burner
P.S. - A new series of posts are up! If you would like to know 10 Trivia regarding Green Tea, click on this link:
P.S. - A new series of posts are up! If you would like to know 10 Trivia regarding Green Tea, click on this link: