Happy holidays!
As I was browsing the net, I discovered that more and more products are now added, mixed or themed with green tea. It is really becoming famous on various consumer products.
Here are some of the products with green tea that I'm curious to try.
1. Drinks for Celebrations
You need to relax! Here are some that could help:
Gin with Green Tea

Beer with Green Tea

Sake (Rice Wine) with Green Tea

Vodka with Green Tea

2. Chocolates with Matcha (Green Tea Powder)
Will order these soon from E-bay (if I fail to find these here) since most Green Tea chocolates are from Japan!
Kit Kat



3. Green Tea Toothpastes and Mouthwash
Ironically, after chocolates in this list, we now have dental products with green tea. Through various research, it was proven that green tea does have anti-bacterial properties. Substances within the tea kill the actual organisms that cause tooth decay. One article is here.


4. Hair Products with Green Tea

5. Green Tea Cakes and Pastries
Yummy cakes! Crave and be curious!
6. Green Tea Scent (Perfume???)
Yes. perfume. I was surprised when I saw that this even existed. And it's worth a try.

And lastly,
7. Green Tea Spa
This spa is found in Japan. Green tea is a good anti-oxidant for the skin and has anti-aging properties. Then why not make a pool spa out of it?

As observed, more and more people these days want to improve their overall health. Green tea is really a power anti-oxidant as more and more products have it. Even Lucky Me noodles has green tea in it!
Some new things to try for 2011!
Till next time,
P.S. - If you like this, please press "Like" on the "Green Tea for a Cause" facebook page found on the upper right side of this blog. Thanks.
P.S. 2 - or you may click this link
P.S. 3 A new series of posts are up! If you would like to know 10 Trivia regarding Green Tea, click on this link: http://greenteaphilippines.blogspot.com/p/10-trivia.html
P.S. 3 A new series of posts are up! If you would like to know 10 Trivia regarding Green Tea, click on this link: http://greenteaphilippines.blogspot.com/p/10-trivia.html
1. Drinks for Celebrations
2. Chocolates with Matcha (Green Tea Powder)
3. Green Tea Toothpastes and Mouthwash
4. Hair Products with Green Tea
5. Green Tea Cakes and Pastries
6. Green Tea Scent
7. Green Tea Spa