con't 10 Interesting Trivia Regarding Green Tea

Trivia #2: Green Tea Reduces Risks of Cancer

Here I present to you... Trivia number two... rhyme unintended =) 

Tea has been a focus of medical science and healing. The use and consumption of tea for health purposes goes back till the ancient times. Ancient Egyptians used to consume tea as they believed it helps improve their health and warm up the body. But did you know that green tea also helps reduce the risks of acquiring one of the deadliest illness known to mankind – cancer.

As previously stated on the last trivia, tea contains a great amount of flavonoids and antioxidants – one of them, notably the most important are called catechins. Catechins have also been the study of doctors and people in the field of medical science as a prevention for cancer, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Although all kinds of tea contain catechins, it has been found out that green tea contains the highest concentration of them. It has three times more catechins than black tea does, the second kind of tea with the most number of catechins.

Studies have proven that catechins help slows down or completely prevent the development of cancer cells in colon, liver, breast and prostate cells.

Studies particularly conducted in Asia where green tea consumption is common has shown the relationship of the regular drinking/intake of green tea to be associated with lower risk of bladder, colon, stomach, pancreatic and oesophageal cancer.

So it is good to regularly consume green tea for precautionary measures against cancer. Just don’t overdose yourself. 

Until then, stay tuned for the next trivia!
P.S. If you want to start over in Trivia number 1, click this: 

P.S.2 If you want to see some interesting products that has green tea, you may go to our main page:

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